Aug 29, 2021
What is bearing false witness? Can we be guilty of bearing false witness even if we don't know the information is false? Join Ellen as we discuss the 9th commandment.
Aug 25, 2021
The truth has been revealed. For the next seventeen years, Jacob and his sons would live in the land of Egypt. At Jacob's death what will happen? Have the brothers really been forgiven? They think not.
Aug 18, 2021
Joseph continues to play games with his brothers, even manipulating his own servants to set up his own brother. Then something unexpected happens and it melts Joseph's very cold and bitter heart. Yes, even smart and successful people can still engage in cheap pettiness. There will be consequences.
Aug 14, 2021
Today Ellen will lead us to discover that the seventh commandment is more than just adultery. How do we remain faithful?