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Camden First United Methodist Church

Dec 11, 2023

Ever notice how loud truth seems to be. when you hear it, you may not want to listen but it is there and you should. Artist are truth tellers. So was John the Baptist.

Dec 4, 2023

It has always baffled me how people of faith in the Bible are terrifed by angels. Today we look at Zechariah's reaction when Gabriel shows up in the Temple to tell him Good News!

Nov 29, 2023

Revelations 19 describes the wedding feast of the Lamb, an event we all hope to attend!

Nov 13, 2023

The Gospel of John tells the story of the Last Supper in a way that seems to emphasize foot washing over communion but maybe he is telling us something even more important. His first miracle is making wine at the wedding in Cana. In the sixth chapter of John he feeds the multitudes then goes into a long discussion of...

Nov 6, 2023

In our sermon today, we will begin looking at feasts in the New Testament. Jesus does not just use food and banquets in his parables, we often finding him celebrating with those the church rejects.