Jul 26, 2020
It seems rather foolish to tell a worrier not to worry in a pandemic. Worry still does not solve the problems we have. Changing our landscape may help.
Jul 18, 2020
One day at a time. Praying for God to give us what we need this day. That has not been good enough for most of us. We have filled our homes, our storage units, and our attics with stuff. do you own the stuff or does the stuff own you? What are your priorities?
Jul 11, 2020
The Sermon on the Mount moves from the idea of a greater righteousness to three practices of piety. Piety, like righteousness and holiness, it a word that can have a negative connotation if we use it in a competitive understanding. Piety is meant to develop a learning relationship between us and God.
Jul 4, 2020
Today we explore the last three of Jesus' teachings to understand beyond the letter of the law. It is about people. If we only experience others, they become a utility to be analyzed and observed. It is only when we encounter people that we begin to understand their humanity. God's laws see humanity, not utility.