Apr 28, 2021
Today, we will tell the origin story of sin. when we fail to understand the pervasiveness of sin, salvation loses its power to redeem and our understanding of Jesus is less than it should be. We are all capable of horrific evil under the right circumstances. Through Christ, God offers us a different way to live.
Apr 22, 2021
This epic poem is the ultimate Origin Story. It shares with us something about who God. Our God is creative and Creator but God is also relational. In order to have a relationship with us, God set limits on God's own self to give us the time and space to grow and develop.
Apr 20, 2021
Ellen is leading us through a study on Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus! Join us for this great study!
Apr 15, 2021
We depend upon the Apostle Paul for our Church Stories. Due to the common misreading of Paul, those who find his letters irrelevant miss a great resource and guidebook for our own life as the body of Christ. This week, we look at Paul's short letter to Philemon as an understanding of how we can strengthen our own church.