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Camden First United Methodist Church

May 31, 2020

.We cannot possibly look out for the common good when we are so busy looking out for ourselves. The Spirit can change that. The Spirit is what binds us together

May 24, 2020

In the last two chapters of 1 Peter, Peter offers practical advice for how to face anxious situations. This advice is true even today.

May 17, 2020

You will be called names. You will be slandered. You will be called names. It is not okay to retaliate. Yes, there is evil in the garden of our lives. What should we do?

May 10, 2020

Following Jesus is a choice. As we continue with the gardening metaphor in this series, you get to choose whether or not you will be a one season annual or a perennial that comes stronger. We will all have winters in life. Choosing Jesus will bring your return.

May 3, 2020

Verse 18 in the first chapter of I Peter begin a section we refer to as the household code. It is a hierarchy of relationships from slave to servant to women to men created in the extreme male dominated culture of the Roman-Greco world. We have unfortunately used this hierarchy as the Christian role model for all...